Smoke Alarms

When installing smoke alarms into a home or new condo or other residential building, we closely follow the local and state codes regarding interconnected smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors. Safety is our absolute number one priority. We've had many condominium owners, single family homeowners, landlords, and property managers rely on Collins Electric for their smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm systems, and we'd be happy to earn you business as well.

Our primary goal is to prevent you, your family, or your tenants from ever experiencing the fear and devastation that comes with a fire in your home. Safe clients are happy clients! Smoke and fire detection systems create solutions that provide quick detection of fire or smoke, which allows you time to organize an orderly, efficient and safe evacuation in the event of a fire. Not only can a good spoke alarm create a safer exit strategy for you and your loved ones, but early detection of smoke by alarm systems can also help minimize property damage by expediting the response from local fire fighters. Our fire detection systems are tailored to the needs of each individual space with features that bolster quick and thorough detection and response. 

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